Categoria: 2018

Landmarks Embrio – Anatomici Della Chirurgia Pelvica ed Addominale

Landmarks Embrio – Anatomici Della Chirurgia Pelvica ed Addominale

L’obiettivo del corso, è l’approfondimento teorico-pratico delle problematiche legate al trattamento chirurgico delle patologie a carico dell’apparato riproduttivo femminile mediante tecniche endoscopiche avanzate utilizzando le più innovative concezioni embrio-anatomiche come chiave esemplificativa del gesto chirurgico.  Verrà spegata ed attuata dal vivo in live-surgery la preparazione del restroperieroneo pelvico ed aortico secondo principi embrionanatomici e saranno utilizzate a confronto le più recenti tecnologie di taglio e sintesi e di mapping linfonodale con indocianina.

Il corso è riservato a 6 partecipanti ed è articolato in:

  • Brevi sessioni teoriche introduttive alla live surgery
  • Pratica Chirurgica in Sala Operatoria dove verrà illustrata e condivisa l’attività pratica

per l’apprendimento ed approfondimento di ogni passaggio tecnico-chirurgico, inclusi

eventuali “tips and tricks” per specifica procedura

Epicrisi dopo la chirurgia in diretta riprendendo i passaggi salienti dell’intervento e le eventuali complicanze.


Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2018 – Leipzig, June 28th-30th, 2018

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2018 – Leipzig, June 28th-30th, 2018

Dear Colleagues

It is a great pleasure to invite you to Leipzig for the 15th European Meeting on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery – “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics”.

The world’s most renowned surgeons will perform a wide spectrum of the most challenging examples of urological procedures such as prostatectomy, cystectomy with urinary diversion and partial nephrectomy as well as innovative procedures such as robotic assisted kidney transplantation.

The live surgery component will always include 3 procedures being performed in parallel. Every procedure can be followed from start to finish! For the first time the program will be further enriched by semi-live video presentations and discussion of complications of selected procedures.

Furthermore, late breaking news about the latest innovations in robotic surgery and technology will be included in the program and exhibition.

Leipzig is a historical city (more than 1000 years old) with a rich cultural and commercial profile. Major classical music composers have lived and flourished here. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and the Saint Thomas boys’ choir are world famous. In addition, major car industries (Porsche and BMW) produce several of their lines in Leipzig.

We are delighted to invite all delegates to our ‘Get Together Dinner’ which will be organized in the extraordinary Porsche exhibition centre.

Clearly, music, action and speed are major characteristics of this city alongside a rich cultural and educational history. This is the perfect city to host “Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” for the second time since 2011.

Welcome to Leipzig!




SURGERY IN THE 3rd MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE- Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 12th-13th, 2018

SURGERY IN THE 3rd MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE- Milan, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, April 12th-13th, 2018

The future of surgery in the next few years will surely be female for several reasons.
Women have passed medicine tests with high percentages for years and nowadays enroll always more to urological specialties. Women have increased in numbers among urological departments in hospitals, universities and urological associations and will probably be on equal terms with men in the next few years. Unfortunately, up to now, with very limited exceptions, women never had the space they deserve for their capabilities, care and abilities. I have invited several female surgeons to this event (live surgeries will be performed by women only), and I hope this meeting will help to acknowledge their surgical abilities.

This congress clears up the fact that women are not completely allowed to some kind of surgery and urology. The Program of the Meeting will include Live laparoscopic, robotic and endourological surgeries performed exclusively by women.
I am sure that since today’s surgery means taking care and being passionate, you do not need physical strength but accuracy and skills. Precision wins on speed and women naturally do have these qualities.
Our department trains mini invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgeons and has excellent female surgeons who already prove themselves nationally and internationally. Italian and foreign female surgeons will perform together and the event is open to all who want to improve their techniques or enhance their abilities on urological surgery.

We look forward to meeting you all in Milan.

Franco Gaboardi